terça-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2010

Better Days - Eat Pray Love

A meaningful song for such meaningful times...

Better Days

I feel part of the universe open up to meet me
My emotion so submerged, broken down to kneel in
Once listening, the voices they came
Had to somehow greet myself, read myself
Heard vibrations within my cells, in my cells
Singing, "Ah-la-ah-ah, ah-la-ah-ah"

My love is safe for the universe
See me now, I'm bursting
On one planet, so many turns
Different worlds
Singing, "Ah-la-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah, ah"

(Spanish guitar solo)

Fill my heart with discipline
Put there for the teaching
In my head see clouds of stairs
Help me as I'm reaching
The future's paved with better days

Not running from something
I'm running towards the day
Wide awake

A whisper once quiet
Now rising to a scream
Right in me

I'm falling, free falling
Words calling me
Up off my knees

I'm soaring and, darling,
You'll be the one that I can need
Still be free

Our future's paved with better days

terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010

Social networks in Sao Paulo

My friend Marcela told me about a nice initiative here in Sao Paulo called Novo olhar (A New Perpective). They were meeting up tonight for some drinks at a charming Brazilian pub in Vila Madalena to chat, so I decided to join!

The group is a social network that began through the internet on www.novoolhar.ning.com. They organize a network of people interested in discussing healthy relations in the work environment and how to build up an environment that fosters self development and new perspectives on sustainability.

"Healthy networking"

Through network events, workshops, informal meetings for drinking beer and chat...they go on expanding the network of people interested in this topic.

It was really nice to meet people whose eyes are shining passionate about what they are doing, people who enjoy participation and naturally include others in the converstation. I really felt like they were my friends from long back although we never met before.

I also managed to learn about initiatives I was not aware of such as the Instituto Ser Humano, which is a group meeting up to discuss how we can improve and grow as human beings.

Listening to their stories, I realized a bit about my own passions and what makes my eyes shining. Also had an insight on how I was always interested throughout my life about the stories of other people, their mistakes, realizations, discoveries, ... and was happy to hear from one 40 year old lady who was unhappily driving her own business in the last 15 years that "things take time to happen until you are mature and you realize that you look for a change..."

She kept on saying..."I learned we have only 2 ways of making a choice - either by love or by fear. I decided from that point, I would choose by love".

Looking forward for the next meet ups of this crazy metropolis.

domingo, 12 de dezembro de 2010

Cinco Caminhos para o Bem-Estar

Cinco Caminhos para o Bem-Estar.De acordo com estudo realizado pela New Economics Foundation (NEF), os cinco princípios descritos abaixo levam ao bem-estar. Na Escola de Inverno e no Hub Learning, queremos adotar esses princípios no dia-a-dia de todos os participantes:

Faça conexões – Mantenha-se conectado com as pessoas à sua volta. Família, amigos, colegas e vizinhos. Na sua casa, no seu trabalho, na sua escola, na sua comunidade local. Invista seu tempo nisso. Uma boa rede de relacionamentos é fundamental para seu sucesso, equilíbrio emocional e bem-estar.

Seja ativo – Saia para caminhar ou correr. Ande de bicicleta. Pratique um esporte. Faça jardinagem. Dance. Fazer exercícios melhora o bem-estar das pessoas.

Fique atento – Seja curioso. Observe as coisas belas. Saia da rotina. Preste atenção na mudança das estações. Aproveite cada momento, seja caminhando até o trabalho, almoçando ou dedicando tempo aos amigos. Fique atento ao mundo à sua volta e aos seus sentimentos. Refletir sobre as suas experiências poderá ajudá-lo a perceber o que realmente importa.

Aprenda sempre – Tente alguma coisa nova. Redescubra um antigo interesse. Inscreva-se em um curso. Assuma uma responsabilidade diferente no trabalho. Conserte uma bicicleta. Aprenda como tocar um instrumento ou como cozinhar sua comida predileta. Estabeleça novos desafios. Aprender coisas novas tornará sua vida mais divertida.

Seja generoso – Faça alguma coisa gentil para um amigo ou um estranho. Agradeça. Sorria. Faça trabalho voluntário. Participe de um grupo comunitário. A reciprocidade e a compaixão são a chave para a sua felicidade e a felicidade dos que estão à sua volta.

* By the Hub Sao Paulo

sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2010

A new look into Brazil: Sao Paulo

Lights of Sao Paulo: from the plane over the clouds an yellow immensity

Back from India, I moved to Sao Paulo to continue working on a project with the same company - which belongs to the Indian Tata Group. That has given me new insights into my own country and also about the world.

Sao Paulo has around the same population of Mumbai. And if Mumbai accelerates India towards its future (economically, culturally, ...) Sao Paulo does the same for Brazil. 35% of the Brazilian gross domestic product comes from the state of Sao Paulo. Big companies are here, TV channels, fashion shows, cultural events, business events, theathers, concerts, high buildings...Sao Paulo never sleeps.

Avenida Paulista: the business heart of Brazil. Im staying right there in one of its corners.

Its a place of diversity in people - you find japanese, blondies, outraged teenagers, homeless, prostitutes, all nationalities from latin America and Brazil,...

New campaign of a product focused o XL female customers. "The fashion is for everyone": Sao Paulo tells you that you can be whoever you are

Tatoos are everywhere

Brazilian fashion on the catwalk

Sao paulo for me, more than a glimpse into Brazil, it can be a deep look into the world. Full of opportunities, full of diversity, a personality which no one can exactly define, ambiguous, ...people come here seeking to be "more of themselves", "find a job that gives them money"...and they end up in trouble: "Who am I in the middle of all this diversity?"

Maybe we are just single points where the "whole" presents itself. Big cities sometimes give me spiritual insights...

Clubs "start" after 1 am,...closing time people do not remember...

Want a beer? Pizzas and drinks at every corner

Escrevendo em ingles - Writing in English

I decided to start posting only in English by understanding that my friends with whom I share this blog are from all over the world.